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Ember Music at ReverbNation



Hard at Work

I am currently working on two new tracks. I hope to have them completed in the next few weeks. I have also been digging deeper into some of the music apps that I have been collecting on my iPhone, specifically SunVox, JR Hexatone, 8Bitone and iSequence. These apps are very easy to purchase and play with, but sometimes I have a hard time slipping them into my Ableton Live workflow. I usually get so caught up in Ableton that the songs kind of finish themselves before I can even get to the iPhone. I guess I just need to start by capturing the output from the iPhone and building a song off of that. 


Experimental Video 

I've been working on some new techniques for manipulating video. Please feel free to leave a comment.


Creative Cycle

I have been learning about my own creative cycle over the last few years. It took me quite a while to even notice that it was a cycle. I would just get into these terrible creative slumps. I would fight and fight and fight with myself to crank out work whether it was design jobs for my freelance clients or art/music for myself. I would get very depressed and feel as though I should just quit doing anything creative at all. All my work sucked. No one cared. Blah. 

Shortly after hitting bottom,

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Seattle Warped

Took a ride up the 99 last weekend and snapped some shots out the window with my iPhone. I was very surprised with the results.

You can see the whole set on my Flickr page

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Computer Artist Glenn Marshall

Computer artist Glenn Marshall is from the future. A future where the artist uses code instead of a brush. That future is now. His amazing visual creations are made with Processing.

“Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions.”


The Nest That Sailed The Sky from Glenn Marshall on Vimeo.