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Entries in Music (14)



So it has been almost one month since I released my first EP "The General Analysis of Nature" and I have just tabulated my stats from Soundcloud and Bandcamp.

1269 Listens/Plays

I would like to thank everyone who has listened/downloaded and helped spread the word. Thank you so much.


The General Analysis of Nature EP (2010)

I am proud to announce the release of my first official EP, "The General Analysis of Nature." This EP was conceived and recorded in 20 days as part of the RPM Challenge.  

Cover art by: Kurt Lorenz

<a href="">Soliton by Kurt Lorenz</a>

CLICK DOWNLOAD in the player above for a free download of this album in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire... 

Conceived and recorded between February 5, and February 25, 2010
Released by: Kurt Lorenz 
Release/catalogue number: KL|EP001 
Release date: Feb 25, 2010  
Cover art by: Kurt Lorenz

"The General Analysis of Nature" by Kurt Lorenz is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported


RPM Challenge 2010

This is The Challenge - Record an album in 28 days, just because you can. That’s 10 songs or 35 minutes of original material recorded during the month of February. Go ahead… put it to tape.

It’s a little like National Novel Writing Month, ( where writers challenge each other to write 1,700 words a day for 30 days, or the great folks over at February Album Writing Month (, who encourage artists to write 14 new songs in February. Maybe they don’t have “Grapes of Wrath” or “Abbey Road” at the end of the month, or maybe they do—but that’s not the point. The point is they get busy and stop waiting around for the muse to appear. Get the gears moving. Do something." 




Over the last 6 months or so I have really been struggling with putting my live set together. For me the problem is how to make an Ableton Live laptop set "live" enough to be entertaining. I'm trying to run visuals through VDMX while playing my Ableton set as well... What I really needed was a way to practice live, without an actual audience staring at me. So of course the internet is the answer. Enter USTREAM (

USTREAM gives me the ability to stream my live set and (with some 3rd party software) visuals. I can also record my broadcast and view/embed it. 

Below is a recording of my first live streaming set on USTREAM, follow me there:


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