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Ember Music at ReverbNation


« AMBIRE LINEARIS: FINALLY | Main | iPhonography »

AMBIRE LINEARIS: FINALLY - Live ambient showcase

I will be joining my good friend Daniel Davis on stage as a member of Carl Sagan's Ghost for this Live ambient showcase:

Start Time:
 Friday, May 14, 2010 at 10:30pm
End Time:
 Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 4:00am


All good sagas are best left with an epic ending. This is the last chapter of our story weaving the last subtitles of the tale and leaving us with a wonderment and a sense of resolve. 

This event was planned from the beginning to go thru it's stages of development and end on the forth evening. We would be honored to have you at the last of the showcase, and help us end this saga with a climatic finish.

The plot thickens with ambient development by:

Gel Sol
Carl Sagan's Ghost (11:00pm)
Rich la Chapelle
Mary Gossard (live keyboard)

We will also be having some stellar live art by Jeremiah Hammer. Interesting edibles provided by Phi and Beck. More details will become clear as the story develops.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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