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New Release of Old Material

I am happy to announce my latest release Isaz, a 4 track EP featuring experiments in sound, processed loops and field recordings. All of these tracks were conceptualized, recorded, programmed and mixed between January and September 2009. Available now as a free download from Bandcamp.

Isaz - Track by Track

01. This is just my voice

This is just a looping, processed sample of me saying "this is just my voice" 

02. Cargo

Processed sample of a train running through Carkeek Park in Seattle, WAUSA. This track was recorded with an M-Audio MicroTrack II digital recorder using the standard t-microphone. I used Ableton Live 6 for processing through an Auto Filter, a Simple Delay and a Resonator.

03. Batavia

This is the soundtrack to a memory. Flying in my fathers small plane from Buffalo. NY to Batavia, IL. when I was 6 years old. A mix of excitement and utter dread. I feel like I captured those feelings in this track.

04. Eye

Original Experimental Music/Sound (by Kurt Lorenz) made completely on the iPhone using BeatMaker, NLogSynth, and iGendyn. (Slo-Mo Vocalizations are from the videos audio track.) Each app was recorded directly into an audio channel in Ableton Live and some basic mixing/compression applied. This track is the soundtrack to an experimental film I created entitled "Eye" you can see the video below or here:

eye from Kurt Lorenz on Vimeo.

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